
Directory: Catalog > Water Heaters > A.O. Smith > Parts

AO Smith Cross Reference or Discontinued Part Number Guidelines

  • If the part you are looking for isn't listed, it's because it no longer shows up as an active part in the AO Smith database. Please contact AO Smith with your model and serial number to see if they can provide you an alternative.
  • If they provide you a new part number, we have every active AO Smith part number on our site and can assist you with your order.
  • AO Smith has an extensive cross reference of old part numbers to new part numbers. The information we have provided for new part numbers is based on information at the time we last updated the parts page.
  • Part availability can change at any time. Many items are in inventory at AO Smith and become discontinued when the last one leaves their shelf. We get periodic updates of their database and update our web site accordingly.